A new perspective on KindlingTen ways to fall in love with Brazil

Kindling Brazil

Kindling new perspectives on Brazil

Brazil has transformed my life and it is continuing to transform and amaze me with every passing day.

Making truth mainstream again— Broadcast programming concept: TTRL

The collapse of mainstream media integrity is well documented. According to Gallup, just 7% of Americans have "a great deal" of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have "a fair amount." Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. adults say they do not have very much confidence and 38% have none at all in newspapers, TV and radio.

Croatia Beyond Overtourism — A holistic vision for all seasons.

As a Croatian that grew up in Johannesburg, moving to Cape Town was, in a strange way, part of the journey back to my homeland.

Although I came to South Africa at the tender age of three, the Croatian culture was very much present throughout my upbringing. Speaking English at home was strictly forbidden by my parents. Read more...

Ever been to Moldova? — Not many have. Moldova is one of the least visited countries in the world and the least visited in Europe by far. However, it certainly has a lot to offer the wine enthusiast »

Trade Opportunities South Africa Moldova
Trade Opportunities between South Africa and Moldova.

This report by the Hex team examines trade opportunities between South Africa and Moldova.

Moldova is among the top 20 global wine exporters, holding more vines per capita than any other country and among the world leaders for speed, penetration and availability of the Internet.

New Kids on The Eastern Bloc — Two members of the Hex team visit Warsaw, Kiev, Minsk and Split to evaluate, first hand, the fabled «Slavic Developer Talent Pool».

New Kids on The Eastern Bloc
Two members of the Hex team visit Warsaw, Kiev, Minsk and Split.

While the CEE Countries present only 5% of the software export market worldwide, they make up an enormously competitive hotspot, having exported thirteen billion US dollars worth of services in 2018.

Coming Soon: The Hex Company Deep Dive into Report on Software Development in the CEE Region. Watch this space.

Hex Company has Created Book360 — A well-rounded reservations and travel document production system​.

Book360 is a tour operating software solution, equipped with customisable tools for travel professionals, assisting consultants and travellers throughout their booking journey.

Book360 is agile, fully customisable and delivers.

Hex Book360: Click on the image to launch the Book360 website in a new window.

Hex Market Analysis South African Wine Themed Tours—for the Polish Market.

Increasing numbers of Polish consumers seek a premium category, tailored type of holiday experience. Coupled with the fact that there is also a growing preference for far off destinations and that, as recently as only 2018, interest in wine tourism has been surging in Poland.

The Hex team has investigated the market for wine-themed tours in Poland. Click here to open the presentation in PDF format.

Winelands, Sea & Wildlife — A Hex Wine Tourism Product.

The Hex team has produced an itinerary for the collaboraton with partners AAA Travel, which highlights the absolute best of the Cape. Click here to open the presentation in PDF format.

The Hex and Abang Teams
Hex and Abang teams got together on a sunny winter's day.

Hex and Abang Team Photoshoot — The Hex and Abang teams.

The Hex and Abang teams got together on a sunny winter's day in August to celebrate the upcoming launch of their collaboration.