Hex Mobile App Design & Development

eLabel stands for "Electronic Label". The goal is to promote transparency throughout the supply chain.

Shoppers, consumer organisations and professionals share knowledge about consumer products.

eLabel was developed to enable the sharing of unbiased information about products and services, particularly with regard to environmental, animal welfare and social justice concerns.

eLabel Product Focus : Baobab Oil from EcoProducts on Vimeo.

ELabel facilitates the sharing of information provided by a network of shoppers, professionals and consumer organisations that share knowledge about consumer products, particularly food.

Anyone is able to register free of charge - but not anonymously - to access and interact with the eLabel database.





An easy way to find recycling information and locations using the Recyclocator mobile app.

Use the Recyclocator app to find the closest recycling depot for a particular packaging type.


The motivation for the Recyclocator recycling mobile application is comprised of three main drivers, namely : The rate at which mobile technology is advancing, the significant increase in recycling consciousness over the last 5-10 years, and the requirement for simplicity and minimal effort when it comes to consumer recycling.

Due to these and other factors it seems that recycling applications have great potential in the global market, especially with respect to product packaging and immediate material identification.

South Africa is at a perfect stage to get on board with this technology and app functionality too, and the fact that it has a rapidly expanding recycling infrastructure and awareness only strengthens the bid.

Based on this research, the recycling mobile application is the first of its kind in South Africa in terms of linking mobile phone users to recycling stations with their GPS co-ordinates, however, it is also the first in SA with regards to allowing the user to scan any bar code to obtain recycling information.

Considering the growth of post consumer recycling in South Africa over the last few years and the present gap in the South African market, with specific reference to a recycling finding type application, the Recyclocator mobile app is perfectly positioned to fill this niche.

Use the Recyclocator app to find the closest recycling depot for a particular packaging type.

What strengthens the case for the Recyclocator recycling mobile app firstly, is the fact that the application would not be a stand-alone recycling application like many of the ones already available on the global market. Instead, it would rather form part of a greater consumer platform with a wide range of product information and additional application functionality. It is envisioned that because the Recyclocator recycling mobile app would be part of a wider platform of this nature, the likelihood that it would access a much wider range of consumers is extremely high.

Secondly, with the growth of mobile applications in general and the rise of smart phone technology, the ease of use of the services like the Recyclocator app will be a very effective tool to increase the amount of post consumer recycling.

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