Hex Application Framework

Hex is a framework for seamlessly integrating your website CMS, ECommerce, financial and CRM systems online. All you need is to activate your Hex Server and you are ready to deploy a host of applications on which your business can automate processes, provide unique functionality for your staff and customers.

For the sake of simplicity, the Hex framework is presented in six parts. It is easiest to think of them as layers in a cake. Each successive layer builds upon the data and functionality provided by the previous ones. They are also named after, and inspired by, hexagonal shapes in nature.

1. Infrastructure (security, privacy).

Own Your Own Cloud
A cloud-based infrastructure is cheaper and more reliable but make sure you "Own Your Own Cloud".

This is the foundation of all of the Hex enterprise application groups. The focus is primarily security, autonomy, resilience and privacy. Services include secure ("SSL") website hosting, daily website and database backups, daily virus scanning and encrypted email.

The philosophy on security and privacy can be summed by the phrase "Own your Own Cloud", in other words - own your own cloud server or servers.

Also known as Graphene.

2. Website development, content and knowledgebase management.

Own Your Own Cloud
Content is necessary to build and manage your audience via your website.

Ranging from design & brand alignment to content management and document libraries, this set of applications provide a central repository for all of your content. Not limited to content that is destined for digital-only consumption - documents destined for print, video and all other media channels can be stored in one "place".

You are also not in any sense limited to simply internal or publicly accessible documents - but rather both ends of the spectrum and everything in between. Included is a state-of-the-art drag & drop responsive website page builder, image editor and the ability to pull web applications directly into your website pages.

Also known as Snowflake.

3. Stakeholder management (customer database).

Own Your Own Cloud
Your stakeholders are the people and the organisations that are connected to your enterprise.

Stakeholder managment enables you and your team to manage a detailed and dynamic database of all people and organisations associated with your enterprise. A stakeholder can be a customer, team member, supporter, supplier, volunteer, board member - or simply anyone interested in or of interest to your organisation.

The relationships between stakeholders and the organisations to which they are affiliated are plotted. This is known as "Stakeholder Mapping".

The type of relationship (and also data specific to it) is prioritised in order to create a richly detailed "map". This map of recipients can be utilised by the powerful targeted (as opposed to "bulk") messaging system that is also a core feature of the system.

Also known as Turtleshell.

4. Products, services, payments and accounts.

Own Your Own Cloud
Once you have a secure website, quality content and an audience; the next step is commerce.

This set enables the comprehensive administration of both offline and online transactions ("Commerce & E-Commerce"). Spanning product (& service) databases, drag & drop payment gateways, seamless banking integration for both payments and collections, invoicing and statements and even a recurring billing system for automated recurring payments or purchases.

Included is the ability to keep separate accounts for multiple organisations (if you have that requirement) - or even accounts for individual people. Recurring billing and logistics are also supported. The cherry on top is a dashboard graphically charting the flows of products and currencies throughout the entire system.

Also known as Honeycomb.

5. Project management.

Project or campaign management
The fifth layer is project management.

Once all of your organisation's content, stakeholder, product (or service) and financial systems have been integrated the natural next step is to use this foundation for managing projects (or "campaigns").

This Hex application group enables the effective planning, organision and implementation of projects of all shapes and sizes. Teams consisting of 1 to a 150 people can be orchestrated without scaling to additional servers.

Also known as Ruby Star.

6. Reporting, data visualisation and management tools.

Data visualisation
The cherry on the top : comprehensive reporting and data visualisation.

When all of your organisation's systems have been successfully integrated it becomes possible to produce report on, and visualise, your collective data.

Enterprise data visualisation is not only useful for management alone. Customers, volunteers, donors and many other types of stakeholders can benefit from a "bird's eye view" of all activities - especially since the data is displayed in real time.

This application group encourages the use of interaction, animation, personalisation and responsiveness in order to create an experience capable of displaying the dynamics of your organisation's activities in a fraction of the time it would take to comprehend using other types of media.

Also known as Saturn's Storm.

To find out more about the Hex Enterprise contact hello@hexcompany.com.